Homophones – Révisions : 11ème Harmos – PDF à imprimer

Exercices d’anglais sur les homophones en : 11eme Harmos YOU’RE / YOUR – THEIR / THERE / THEY’RE – IT’S / ITS – WHOSE / WHO’S – TO / TWO / TOO

TO/ TWO/ TOO : Choisis le mot qui convient (Fill in each sentence with the correct word).

  1. I’m going __________ take a shower.
  2. Lucy ran __________ miles this morning.
  3. My brother likes ____________ play soccer.
  4. I’m leaving now. Are you coming ___________ ?
  5. I need you _________ carry this bag for me because it is _______ heavy!

YOUR/YOU’RE : Choisis le mot qui convient (Fill in each sentence with the correct word).

Charlie’s friend, Johan, is leaving for two months in Spain.

Charlie: “But _____________ my best friend. I cannot spend two months without ____________ company!”

Johan: “__________________ going to miss me…but I’ll miss you too.

Charlie: “You’ll tell which day _____________ coming back. And don’t forget ___________ phone. I’ll call you every day.”

THERE/THEIR/THEY’RE : Choisis le mot qui convient (Fill in each sentence with the correct word).

  1. My grandparents walk _______________dog every night after dinner.
  2. Look! ___________________ is a squirrel in the tree!
  3. My parents have lost _________________ car keys! ________________ stuck at home now!
  4. Get away from __________________! It’s dangerous sometimes.

Choisis un mot de la liste pour compléter chaque phrase (Choose one word from the word bank to fill in the blanks).

it’s ▪ its ▪ their ▪ there ▪ to ▪ too ▪ whose ▪ who’s ▪ two

_________ discovered America? ________Christophe Columbus ____________ passion for adventure was stronger than fear.

________ get __________, it took more than ______ ships. __________ crews were courageous ______________.

When he found America, he called __________ inhabitants, Indians because he thought he had reached India.

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Correction – Homophones : 11eme Harmos – Révisions à imprimer   pdf

Jeux en ligne : Grammaire - Anglais : 11eme Harmos