Exercices corrigés sur les questions en anglais
1/ Barre le mot interrogatif incorrect (Cross out the wrong question word).
Whose / Who schoolbag is this?
How much / How many chocolate can you eat?
Whose / Which do you prefer? Ham or meat balls?
How tall / How old is your little sister? 5 or 6?
2/Choisis le mot interrogatif qui convient (Fill in the blanks with the right WH- pronoun).
_______________ is Clark frightened? Because he hates crocodiles.
_______________ are they? They are my friends.
_______________ is this soccer ball? It’s Alex’s.
_______________ do people sleep? At night.
3) Trouve le mot manquant pour compléter les phrases (Fill in the blanks with the right missing word).
How __________________ candies are missing? At least five!
How __________________ can Lewis run? Very fast!
How _________________ is the Colorado River? Only 1 to 2 meters.
How _________________ is Saint Petersburg from Paris? More than 2500 km.
4/ Rédige des questions à partir des éléments soulignés en utilisant WHO ou WHAT (sujet ou objet) (Write questions with WHO or WHAT as subject or object, using the underlined element).
A strange man lives in this house.
I saw him yesterday evening.
A scary noise woke me up.
I took the torch and went outside.
5/ Traduis les questions suivantes (Translate the following questions).
D’où vient cette lettre ?
Qui me l’a envoyé ?
Depuis combien de temps regardes-tu la télévision ?
Quand as-tu acheté cette maison ? Ça fait 10 ans.
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Correction – Questions : 11eme Harmos – Exercices à imprimer pdf