Saint Patrick’s Day – Lecture compréhension en anglais : 9eme Harmos – PDF à imprimer

lecture compréhension en anglais sur la Saint Patrick’s Day  en : 9eme Harmos Saint Patrick’s Day is an Irish holiday and it is celebrated annually on March 17th.

The Irish have observed this religious tradition for thousands of years. Saint Patrick’s real name was Maewyn Succat. When he was 16 years-old, he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and became a slave. He worked 6 years as a shepherd. Back to England, he became a priest and had a vision: to go and help the Irish people.

Tradition says he died on March, 17th and over the centuries, many legends appeared around Patrick who became the most important Saint in Ireland in the 17th century.    Today, Saint Patrick’s Day is widely recognized and celebrated throughout the world with Irish festivals, parades, displaying of the color green and Irish traditions and stories.

Here are two Irish symbols of this tradition:

The Shamrock: Shamrocks are three-leaf clovers that grow in the grass. If you find a four-leaf clover, people say you are lucky. The shamrock is a national emblem in Ireland.

The Leprechaun:  The name “leprechaun” comes from the old Irish word “luchorpan” which means “little body”.

A leprechaun is an Irish fairy who looks like a small, old man about 2 feet* tall. He is often dressed like a shoemaker with a crooked hat and a leather apron. The legend says leprechauns are distant and unfriendly. They live alone and spend time making shoes. They also have a hidden pot of gold but they don’t want to share it!

*two feet ≈ 60 centimeters

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Saint Patrick’s Day : 9eme Harmos – Lecture compréhension en anglais   pdf


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Exercices en ligne : Anglais : 9eme Harmos