See – Hear + V – ing – Révisions : 11ème Harmos – PDF à imprimer

Exercices corrigés à imprimer pour la 11eme Harmos – See – Hear + V-ing – Anglais

1/ Coche la bonne réponse. Parfois deux réponses sont possibles (Tick the correct answer(s)).

  1. Juliette saw a man □ robbing                   □ to rob                      □ robing          the bank this morning.
  2. Did you hear the dog □ bark □ to bark                    □ barking        last night?
  3. I have never seen my uncle □ to dance □ dancing                   □ dancer.
  4. When you hear the bell □ rings            □ ring                         □ rigging,        you open the door.

2/ Tu viens de sortir de la maison « fantôme » de la fête foraine. Raconte ce que tu as vu et entendu (You’ve just come out of the “haunted house” at the fair. Tell about what you saw and heard).  

  1. I was in a dark corridor and I _____________________ (hear/a woman/scream). I was so terrified!
  2. Then I ________________________ (see/ghosts/dance) all around us! That was cool!
  3. I went to the library and I ___________________________ (hear/someone/walk) in the corridor.
  4. Finally, I _______________________ (see/a skeleton/hold) a long knife so I ran away!

3/ Mets les verbes entre parenthèses à la forme en -ing / TO + bv / BV (Fill in the blanks with the gerund, to-infinitive or infinitive form of verb).  

  1. I’ve just heard something _________________ (scream) in the street.
  2. It makes me ______________ (feel) uneasy.
  3. You should stop __________________ (be) scared. It is only a cat!
  4. I’ve just seen it ___________________ (cross) the street by my window.

4/ Traduis les phrases suivantes (Translate the following sentences).

  1. Si tu me vois courir, appelle la police. ________________________________________
  2. Holly nous a entendus nous disputer. ________________________________________
  3. Tu devrais voir ton frère courir ! C’est un champion. ______________________________
  4. Mes parents ne m’ont pas entendu rentré à minuit. _______________________________

See – Hear + V-ing : 11eme Harmos – Révisions   rtf

See – Hear + V-ing : 11eme Harmos – Révisions   pdf


Correction – See – Hear + V-ing : 11eme Harmos – Révisions   pdf

Jeux en ligne : Grammaire - Anglais : 11eme Harmos