Style direct et indirect – Direct – Indirect Speech – Exercices : 11ème Harmos – PDF à imprimer

Exercices d’anglais pour la 11eme Harmos – Style direct et indirect – Verbes introductifs au présent

1/ Complète les phrases au style indirect suivantes (Fill in the blanks with the correct turn of reported speech).  

2/ Remets les mots dans l’ordre pour former des phrases cohérentes (Put the words into correct order to make meaningful sentences).

  1. tell / room / sister / to / my / her / I / clean ______________________________________________
  2. boss / My / us / asks / do / job / our / to ________________________________________________
  3. TV / mother / after / me / My / 8 / watch / forbids / to _______________________________________
  4. ask / I / not / fridge / the / eat / cake / you / the / to / in ______________________________________

3/ Mets les phrases suivantes au style direct. Attention à la ponctuation. (Turn the sentences into direct speech. Wach out for the right punctuation).

Ben asks you to be careful with his car.______________________________

My mother always says we must say thank you when someone gives us something.

I am wondering if he will come. ___________________________________

4/ Complète les phrases à partir de l’exemple. Attention aux opérateurs qui disparaissent et à la forme du verbe (Fill in the blanks based on the example. Watch out for the auxiliaries and the correct form of verb).  

Ex: (How do airplanes fly?)                     I wonder…how airplanes fly.

  1. (What time does the film begin?) I wonder__________________________________
  2. (Do you know a good place to eat?) I wonder ________________________________
  3. (What did you tell Jane?) I wonder________________________________________
  4. (Why did dad go home early?) I don’t know _________________________________

Style direct et indirect – Direct – Indirect Speech : 11eme Harmos – Exercices   rtf

Style direct et indirect – Direct – Indirect Speech : 11eme Harmos – Exercices   pdf


Correction – Style direct et indirect – Direct – Indirect Speech : 11eme Harmos – Exercices   pdf

Jeux en ligne : Grammaire - Anglais : 11eme Harmos