Valentine’s Day – Lecture compréhension en anglais : 9eme Harmos – PDF à imprimer

Lecture compréhension en anglais à imprimer pour la 9eme Harmos – Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine was a man who lived in Rome in the third century. The Roman Emperor at the time, Claudius the Second, was not a Christian as Valentine. Claudius thought that married soldiers did not make good soldiers, so he told his soldiers that they must not marry…

Compréhension écrite

Relève le nom des personnages ainsi que toutes les indications de temps et de lieu.

Trouve les mots ou expressions du texte qui correspondent aux images.

RIGHT OR WRONG ? (Justifie ta réponse en citant le texte)

Caesar, the Roman Emperor, didn’t want his soldiers to marry.

□ right                  □ wrong

Valentine was a soldier who wanted to marry.

□ right                  □ wrong

Valentine died before he could marry to the woman he loved.

□ right                  □ wrong

Today, this tradition is lost.

□ right                  □ wrong

Parlons grammaire…

Choisis le bon pronom interrogatif pour chacune des questions, puis réponds-y.

What When Who (×2) How Why

_________ was the Emperor of Rome when Valentine was alive? ____________

__________was Saint Valentine? ______________________________

__________ is Valentine’s Day? _______________________________

__________ do people send to the people they love? ___________________

__________ long have people celebrated Valentine’s Day? ________________

__________ do people write “Be my Valentine” at the end of cards? ___________

Valentine’s Day : 9eme Harmos – Lecture compréhension en anglais   pdf


Correction – Valentine’s Day : 9eme Harmos – Lecture compréhension en anglais   pdf

Exercices en ligne : Anglais : 9eme Harmos