Exercices corrigés à imprimer pour la 11eme Harmos – Style direct et indirect – Verbes introductifs au présent
1/ Complète les phrases au style indirect suivantes avec les pronoms et adjectifs qui conviennent (Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns and adjectives).
- Jean asks Louis, “How are you?”
Jean asks Louis how ___________ is.
- Paula says, “I forgot to feed my dog this morning”.
Paula says _________ forgot to feed ______ dog this morning.
- Christian tells Sandra, “We must change our time departure”.
Christian tells Sandra ____________ must change ____________ time departure.
2/Complète les phrases avec SAY ou TELL (Fill in the blanks with SAY or TELL).
- My dad _____________ I must not speak to strangers.
- He also ________________ me to ____________ please when I have something to ask.”
- My brother’s teachers ____________ he is a brilliant pupil. They __________ him he will pass his exams successfully.
3/Rapporte les questions du détective à Jane en commençant tes phrases par “He wants to know…” (Report the investigator’s questions to Jane, starting with “He wants to know…” )
- What time do you usually leave the store? _____________________________________
- Were you alone in the store? ______________________________________________
- Do you know the codes of the door? _________________________________________
- Where were you when the gangsters came in? ___________________________________
4/Raconte ce qui se dit sur scène en utilisant TELL (Report what is going on on stage, using TELL.)
Romeo (to Juliet): “I would like you to be my wife”.
Juliet (to Romeo): “I love you but we cannot get married”.
Juliet’s brother (to Romeo): “If you try to see her again, I will kill you”.
Verbes introductifs au présent – Style direct et indirect : 11eme Harmos – Exercices rtf
Verbes introductifs au présent – Style direct et indirect : 11eme Harmos – Exercices pdf
Correction – Verbes introductifs au présent – Style direct et indirect : 11eme Harmos – Exercices pdf