Voix passive – Passive Voice – Exercices corrigés : 11ème Harmos – PDF à imprimer

Exercices à imprimer pour la 11eme Harmos sur la voix passive

1/ Réécris ces phrases à la voix passive dans mentionner l’agent (Turn these sentences into passive voice. No need to mention the cause).

My father shot a movie in black and white. _______________________________________

He is using a computer program. _____________________________________________

My parents shoot most of the scenes in a studio. ___________________________________

They have found most of the actors in the street. ___________________________________

2/Ecris ces phrases à la voix passive. Veille à choisir le temps qui convient (Rewrite these sentences. Be careful to use the right tense).

Anderson will give a lecture next Friday.__________________________________________

Louis Pasteur discovered the first vaccines for rabies. _________________________________

Our football team wins a lot of games. ___________________________________________

An American family has bought a castle near Paris. __________________________________

3/ Choisis entre la voix passive et la voix active pour compléter ce texte au prétérit (Choose between passive and active voice to fill in the blanks with verbs in preterite tense).

Geronimo was born in 1829. He was a Apache. He _____________________ (know) for his great courage. When his people ________________ (remove) from their lands, he __________________________ (rebel). He _____________(make) the promise that his people would return to their lands but the promise _____________________ (never/keep).

4/Mets les phrases à la voix passive en prenant le complément d’attribution comme sujet (Turn the sentences into passive form, using the indirect object as subject).  

Alice offered her mother a necklace for her birthday. _____________________________________

Someone told me Starbucks Coffee was hiring. __________________________________________

The teacher is asking me to come in. _________________________________________________

When you arrive, we will show you around. _____________________________________________

Voix passive – Passive Voice : 11eme Harmos – Exercices corrigés   rtf

Voix passive – Passive Voice : 11eme Harmos – Exercices corrigés   pdf


Correction – Voix passive – Passive Voice : 11eme Harmos – Exercices corrigés   pdf

Jeux en ligne : Grammaire - Anglais : 11eme Harmos